Wednesday, July 20, 2011

New posts coming soon..

Dear all,
Thanks for your patience.  So far we’ve had over 8000 visitors to this little blog, but recently, due to personal circumstances, we’ve not been posting much.  Well… we’re back.  Expect new posts soon INCLUDING…
La Roux - and her steady ascent through the U.S. electronic/pop psyche
Echo & The Bunnymen. Their trip to LA is getting closer.  Plus the scoop on Ian and Zoe from Alabama 3.
Flaunt Magazine.  The new issue and the new issues.  How does this ultra-quality independent lifestyle publication continue to push the boundaries of quality editorial and photography in a world that has already declared ‘the death of magazines’?  Andrew Pogany (Editor-in-chief) explains.
MYMAG. What is it… apart from amazing?  You could ask Snoop, Pharrell, Russell Simmons, Olivia Munn, Steve Aoki, Brett Ratner and many other celebrities… because they all know what it is.  But to REALLY find out, lets talk to… Warren Naronha.
BlackBook Magazine’s ACCESS for i-phone. It’s coming, and it will change your life!
Plus lots more…

Posted on 07-09-2009