The latest MYMAG is being curated by none other than one of the world’s leading spiritual guru’s and author - Deepak Chopra.
Mr Choprs’s MYMAG gives a unique insight into his extraordinary life and teachings, whilst providing a fascinating inside look at never before seen photos and correspondences with some of the worlds most famous people, including President Clinton, Michael Jackson and George Harrison to name but a few.
The connection to Harrison also indirectly lead to the world’s most famous living illustrator - Alan Aldridge (excuse me Ma’am but where is his knighthood?) who was The Beatles’ ‘official’ illustrator, creating an absolutely stunning cover image for Deepak (below). Aldridge and Deepak also happen to share many similarities in their practice of Buddist philosophies, so this arrangement was seemingly a match made in, um… The Tao?
And the intimate relationship that he shared with Michael Jackson is presented with incredible, never before seen photos of them both in extraordinarily personal moments together.
You can pre-order your copy by visiting
Peace and Love to all.