Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Damian Lazarus speaks!

On Saturday night, we went to Damian Lazarus’ launch party for his new album - Smoke The Monster Out [Get Physical].
Here is my review of the night:
2500 people
Post apocalyptic stage that had smoke and flashing lights coming out of it that made it look like it was a kind of crashed steampunk spaceship.
Sexy dancers.  They were sexy from the neck down.  They had Panda or Horses heads.
Brilliant, hypnotic, unique dance music.
Now that’s what I call a review.


Here is an exclusive interview we did with Damian after dinner at his and his partner - Marcia’s cool Echo Park house last week.

 >>> Where are you from?

I was born at the London Hospital in Mile End in the East End of London, making me a 100% bona fide cockney geezer.

 >>> What are your earliest musical memories?

Messing around with my show-tunes loving Grandfather in the garden; singing Old Music Hall songs he taught me like “When you’re living down in poverty street, nobody knocks at your door, door, door, door….”

 >>> How did you get into Music?

Mainly via my cousin Jason (who now works as Sasha Baron Cohen’s costume designer). Aged around 12, Jason helped me discover the joys of smoking, girls and hip hop.

 >>> You’re the guy behind City Rockers and then Crosstown Rebels, known for your unique electro edged dance music with a distinct lack of cheese. At least that’s my opinion.  How would you describe your sound?

Dirty, twisted and deep techno funk for the dancefloor with a touch of wonderful weirdness for the mind.

 >>> What is going on with the label right now?

We have some amazing releases lined up on Crosstown Rebels; in particular the debut album from Jamie Jones called ‘Don’t You remember the Future”, a brilliantly deep album by Butane called “Endless Forms” plus forthcoming singles from Los Vatos, Deniz Kurtel and Different Gear. We are also continuing our very special Get Lost parties at various super venues around the world.

 >>> Moment, your first solo single release from the record  seems to be quite a personal journey, with some pretty sweet melodies and a spoonful of humor, but my ears have been pummled over the years by too loud sound systems so what do I know?  What can you tell us about the record?

‘Moment’ is a song I am very proud of, so much so that I decided it would be the first record to be released from my debut album. I wanted to make something very fresh and melodic, beautiful and bizarre. An honest song which defies musical boundaries and says a lot about my personality.

 >>> Is this the first time that you have sung on a record?

Yes, I never considered myself a singer but I just felt more comfortable trying to sing the lyrics I had written myself as opposed to getting in some voices-for-hire.

 >>> I think your voice fits with the vibe perfectly, has it surprised people?

Thank you. Many people know me best from pulling strange dance moves, waving my fingers around manically and mixing bizarre records behind the decks, so yes, I think hearing me sing on my own written and produced album has surprised a great deal of people.. in a good way I hope.

  >>> Who are the girls singing with you on some of the tracks?

They are Johanna and Miriam, 19 year old Swedish twins who I discovered 2 years ago. Amazing aren’t they?!

 >>> Yes, and they were amazing at the gig.  I LOVED the pat-a-cake stuff they did too.  And what’s this I hear that Pete Tong flipped over the record.  Is that true?

Yes he has been a massive supporter of the album so far. Receiving the golden globe of radio accolades, the Essential New Tune, for my current single Neverending, was a massive joy for me.

 >>> And didn’t itunes put it on their home page?

Yeah, I believe they did. The album is getting some incredible support, I am very happy.. and a little bit shocked by it too.

 >>> What’s been a highlight of your career so far?

I’m enjoying it right now to be honest. The creation of “Smoke the Monster Out” is by far my most proudest moment to date.

 >>> When and where can the U.S. audience see you live?

Next up will the amazing Hammerstein Ballroom in New York on July 3rd. Best to check my website at for my info on my dates and movements.

 >>> Please tell the NSA Blog Readers the answer to a question that I didn’t ask…

Three Blind Mice

Posted on 12-06-2009
